Same Day Rodent Extermination and Pest Control in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC

MTB Pest Control will eliminate bed bugs, spiders, insects, fleas, or other creepy crawlers from your home and keep them out !
Nothing ruins a beautiful day in your garden or on your patio like mosquitos, spiders, and other insects and critters. With MTB Pest Control on your side, you can eliminate problem rodents, stinging bugs and vegetation destroying pests and get back to enjoying the great outdoors.
MTB will quickly identify your yard’s problem areas, address any infestations, and offer DIY solutions if available, then safely and effectively eliminate the problem.
With an affordable service plan from MTB, you can protect your pets, your family, and your home!
Common garden pests in the District Heights, MD area
The first step to controlling bug population in your yard is identifying what pest is truly causing your problems, rather than applying a general chemical that may be harmful to the environment, your pets, or your family. We’ve identified the most common bugs and insects posing threats to vegetation, pets, and people in the tristate area and answered your most common questions here. If you’re unsure of what pest is destroying your garden, or need bug control right away, call MTB! We’re available 7 days a week to quickly and safely get your pest or rodent problem under control.
Which Beetle is killing my tree?
Emerald Ash Borer, Agrilus planipennis
Quick Stats:
1) Color: Shiny emerald green, gold belly
2) Unfed Shape: Flat, broad oval
3) Fed Shape: Elongated, swollen
4) Size: ¼ inch long
4) Antennae: Yes
5) Bite: Initially painless followed by itchy red welts
Signs you may have an Emerald Ash Borer problem:
Emerald Ash Borer feed on both healthy and sick Ash trees. If you notice your canopy thinning, see bark cracks or notice the presence of Woodpeckers, you should take a closer look. Other signs Emerald Ash Borers may be infesting your tree include visible tunneling in the trunk or low branches, sap or pitch drip lines encased in bore dust. Seek immediate professional help from MTB if you notice any of these Emerald Ash Borer indicators.
Emerald Ash Prevention:
1) Keep trees healthy and watered
2) Apply chemical control annually

How do I get rid of Earwigs?
Odorous House Ant, Tapinoma sessile
Quick Stats:
1) Color: Shiny brownish-black
2) Shape: Long, flat, and narrow
3) Size: ½-3 inches long
4) Bite: Yes with non-harmful foul smelling defense liquid followed by red irritated skine
Earwig Description:
Earwigs can be found in grass and woods, as well as gardens and landscaping. They eat both plant matter and insects. They prefer dark, moist areas and can be found in bags of lawn clippings, compost, logs, and such. They tend to move indoors when the weather turns cold and are often found in bathrooms, kitchens, garages, and basements. They travel indoors on pant legs, shoes, and luggage. To prevent earwigs from entering your home or to get rid of an earwig problem, call MTB! Professional treatment is the only way to ensure the problem goes away for good.
Earwig Prevention:
1) Seal cracks and holes around doors, windows and foundation Do not store clippings in your yard or near your dwelling Repair plumbing leaks Replace exterior white bulbs with yellow.

Mosquito control for Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC
Mosquito, Blatta orientalis
Quick Facts:
1) Color: Light brown
2) Shape: 3 sections; head, thorax, abdomen
3) Size: 1/8-1/4 inch long
4) Bite: Sting followed by itchy red welt
Mosquito Description:
The 3,500 species of Mosquitos are part of outdoor living in the spring and summer months. But that doesn’t mean you need to suffer their sting or stay indoors to avoid them. MTB provides regular mosquito control services to keep your yard and home mosquito and pest free. Our effective mosquito sprays are kid and pet friendly so there is no reason you need to avoid professional pest control. MTB gets rid of Mosquitos so you can enjoy your yard again.
Mosquito Prevention:
1) Remove standing water sources such as: old tires, buckets, plastic covers, etc
2) Drain or fill temporary pools of water with dirt
3) Keep swimming pools treated and circulating
4) Use insecticides and repellants properly
5) Close doors and keep screens in good condition
6) Replace white outdoor lights with yellow “bug” lights

What kind of Spider is this?
Common House Spider, Parasteatoda tepidariorum
Quick Facts:
1) Color: Brown; Tan; Black; White; Can be mottled or speckled
2) Shape: Bulbous abdomen, neither spherical nor flat
3) Size: 1/8-1/4 inch long
4) Bite: Rarely, unless threatened
Common House Spider Description:
While many spiders in Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia are poisonous, the common household spider rarely bite humans except in self-defense. Spiders come into the house in colder weather to find food. The most visible sign of a House Spider is their unique webbing that is spun to catch prey. Common House Spiders spin one part of the web thicker and that is where they can be seen sitting and waiting for their catch. You may also see a leaf or two intentionally placed in the web to be used as a hiding spot.
Common House Spider Prevention:
1) Do not store firewood or building materials near your home or garage
2) Fill all gaps or cracks around doors and windows and foundation
3) Keep screens in good repair
4) Remove webs and eggs sacs inside and outside of home

Black Widow Spider, Latrodectus spp.
Quick Stats:
1) Color: Black abdomen with a red hourglass marking on back
2) Shape: Spherical
3) Size: 1 ½-13/8 inches long
Bite: Males rarely bite and are non-venomous. Females are especially aggressive after laying eggs. After a bite, you’ll get immediate pain followed by slight swelling around two fang marks. Signs you may have been bitten by a Black Widow Spider include fever, increased blood pressure, sweating, and nausea. Seek medical attention immediately if you are bitten by a Black Widow Spider
Black Widow Spider Description:
Black Widow Spiders make their homes in covered areas like rock piles, firewood piles, under decks or in shrubs and tree stumps. You may also find them in barns, barrels or sheds. Indoors they typically live in undisturbed clutter piles found in basements, crawl spaces, and attics. The Black Widow Spider spins an irregular web at night. Call MTB ASAP if you suspect you have a Black Widow Spider on your property. MTB can identify the spider species, remove the webbing and eggs, then spray a professional strength chemical to prevent another invasion.
Black Widow Spider Prevention:
1) Reduce clutter as much as possible
2) Wear thick work gloves when moving wood piles or cleaning storage areas
3) Store firewood at least 20 feet from your home and 5 inches off the ground

Brown Recluse, Loxosceles spp.
Quick Facts:
1) Color: Tan to dark brown
2) Shape: Round, usually with a dark violin shaped marking near head
3) Size: ¼-1/2 inch long
Bite Symptoms: Stinging followed by intense pain lasting 6-8 hours. A small blister usually forms at the bite that can turn into an open ulcer.
Symptoms include: restlessness, fever, and difficulty sleeping. Seek medical attention immediately if you think you’ve been bitten by a Recluse Spider.
Brown Recluse Spider Description:
Brown Recluse Spiders feed on live prey such as small insects, so they typically nest around rocks, woodpiles, utilities, under bark, and in shaker roofs. Inside, you could find them in attics, crawl spaces, and basements. Be sure to inspect seldom used clothing, inside shoes, and interior crevices like baseboards and window moldings before cleaning or moving stored items. They spin irregular webs to be used for a retreat, rather than for catching insects. Don’t risk your family’s well being. If you suspect you have a Recluse Spider in your home or garden area call MTB. We will identify what type of spider you have and eradicate it immediately.
Brown Recluse Spider Prevention:
1) Store clothing and shoes inside plastic containers
2) Shake out clothing that has been in a hamper or on the floor
3) Thoroughly inspect seasonal items like skates, gloves, baseball mitts, and boots before wearing
4) Seal cracks and holes in foundation and install door sweeps

Do I have a Wasp or Hornet problem?
Hornet, Vespa crabo
Quick Facts:
1) Color: Black and White or Brownish-reddish
2) Shape: Flat
3) Size: 1-1.5 inches long
4) Bite: Yes; sting when nest is disturbed
Hornet Description:
Hornets prey on other insects and are not attracted to people food. They make their large aerial nests out of paper usually in a high, protected area like a tree branch. The nest contains 100-700 worker hornets.
Hornet Prevention:
1) Seal holes, cracks, and crevices along driveways, gutters, siding, attic windows, etc
2) Keep landscape well-trimmed and prune trees to be more open
3) Control mosquitos and other insects that hornets prey on with regular applications from MTB

Wasp, Order hymenoptera
Quick Facts:
1) Color: Commonly shiny black with yellow stripes on tail, but varies depending on species
2) Shape: Elongated with pinched waist
3) Size: Tiny up to several centimeters long
4) Antennae: Yes
5) Bite: Paper wasps only sting when threatened. Yellow Jackets are very aggressive. Either bite is painful
Wasp Description:
Wasps have both aerial paper nests and ground nests. Yellow Jackets typically build underground. Their nests contain 100-5,000 workers. The best way to rid your yard of wasps is to call MTB. If you see swarming or a get a visual on the nest, avoid that area. Do not disturb the nest. MTB will eradicate the workers before removing the wasp nest and then spray to prevent reoccurrence. You may notice misplaced wasps flying around looking for the nest over the next few days.
Wasp Prevention:
1) Seal holes, cracks, and crevices along driveways, gutters, siding, attic windows, etc.
2) Keep garbage cans tightly sealed
3) Cover picnic foods and sweet drinks
4) Do not plant sweet succulent flowers next to home
5) If you see a wasp, follow it to find the entry point or nest
MTB will eliminate and control your rodent problem for good !
Discover your home has rat or mouse problem? Call MTB for same day eradication and preventative treatments for rats and mice. Together we have more than 50 years’ experience ridding Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC homes of rodents and other pest problems.
Call MTB for a free estimate on what it takes to safely eliminate and control the mice or rats on your property.
Wildlife removal in your area
Raccoons, Skunks, Opossums, Bats, and Squirrels can be a real nuisance to everyday living. Whether they are under your patio, nesting in your garage, invading your home or attic, these creatures wreak havoc and cause series damage to your home. A professional wildlife removal is the best way to get rid of a bat, squirrel, skunk, raccoon or opossum invasion. Call MTB for safe retrieval of critters and routine inspection of your home for weaknesses or entry points that may be inviting to those unwanted guests.
7 Tips to Protect Your Yard From Pests, Rodents, and Wildlife
1) Keep doors and windows in working condition
2) Seal cracks and holes along doors, sills, attics, chimneys and foundation
3) Install chimney netting
4) Keep property and home free of food debris
5) Compost in closed containers
6) Keep garbage cans tightly sealed
7) Remove bird feeders from yard
“MTB provides residential and commercial rodent control services 24 hours a day- even holidays. We’re licensed, bonded, insured, and carry government clearance. From emergency calls to regular service, we handle it all !”